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Slow Living

  • Metadata:
    • #personal #self-improvement Faster is not necessarily better
  • Started with the "slow food movement" in Italy
    • Emphasizes traditional food production techniques that compass a core lifestyle that encourages a slower approach to aspects of everyday life
  • Goal is the create room for a more conscious enjoyment of life
    • By getting off the manic roller-coaster of instant gratification
    • S - sustainable
    • L - local
    • O - organic
    • W - whole
  • Practices of slow-living include the following practices
    • Eat your meals mindfully, paying attention to the food and not TV or phone
    • Take technology breaks, silence all notifications
    • Limit time on social media
    • Read a book/meditate/listen to podcasts during long breaks
    • Saying "no"
    • Don't multitask, focus on one thing at a time
    • Spend more time outdoor
  • How to overcome FOMO or YOLO? Consider the following deathbed wishes:
    • To have lived a more authentic life instead of the one others expected
    • To have not worked so hard
    • To have expressed their feelings more
    • To have stayed in touch with friends
    • To have let themselves be happier